Here are are additional resources for Chapter 1 – How Do You Mend A Broken Hip?
“Tell me a fact and I’ll learn.
Tell me the truth and I’ll believe.
But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.”
Native American Proverb
Here’s The Story – As you read this book, you might notice that it seems that everything I needed to know about hip replacement surgery I could have learned from song titles, movies and popular quotes… probably true. I will share my stories of what lead up to my surgery and what to expect after surgery. Also, you might notice that I frequently will insert what song, movie, quote or book was playing in mind when I went through the hip replacement process.
Before we go any further, for those not week of heart, here is a three-minute, animated video of a hip replacement surgery.
And for those of you who are not weak of heart, here is a ‘live operation.’